• Guest name and address labels in alphabetical order
• Envelopes for thank you cards
• Sticky notes
• Thank you cards
As each card was opened and the gift-giver announced, the gift recorder pulled an address label from the alphabetical list and stuck it on an envelope. (I later found out that when the invitations were ready to send, two sets of address labels were printed. One set was used for the invitations and one set was saved for the thank you cards.)
As the gifts were opened, the gift recorder kept track of the gifts on a sticky note. One or more sticky notes were used for each person, depending on the number of gifts given. The sticky note(s) was placed inside a thank you card. The thank you card was then placed inside the corresponding envelope with the gift-givers name and address. This way, the mother-to-be (and father-to-be) could write personal thank you cards by referring to the sticky notes. With the envelopes already addressed, they would save time and energy.
Use this process for bridal showers, weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries—anytime you need to keep track of gifts. It’s so much better than the old pen and paper record (even if you’ve updated to a computer). No more tracking down the correct way to spell a last name or the guest’s street address. This is an extra gift you can give the person whose special event you are celebrating!